How to Afford LASIK Eye Surgery

Eager to get LASIK but unsure whether you can afford it? If you are getting LASIK, you want to opt for an experienced laser eye surgeon with great reviews and recommendations. This means that you’ll be out roughly $3,000. If you are already sold on the value of LASIK, now it’s just a matter of getting that three grand together.
How can you do that? Well, $3,000 is definitely a pretty sum, which means you won’t be funding the money for your LASIK procedure tucked between your couch cushions anytime soon. But there are a few strategies you can use to save up the money you need for LASIK.
Set a Clear Goal with a Step-by-Step Plan
Deciding you want to save money in order to get LASIK is the first half of this step. Attempts to save money often fail because people do not have a reward in mind. When you have an arbitrary goal of $3,000, $5,000, or $10,000 it’s hard to stay focused, but when you have a set outcome in mind (clear vision without glasses!) it’s easier to keep your eye on the prize.
The next step is outlining a plan. Unless you’re already a master saver, sticking to a budget or a savings plan will be extremely difficult. Decide what a reasonable time frame is for you to save this money. Perhaps 6 months is a realistic amount of time. Commit to putting aside $500 each month to put towards LASIK.
Take on a Temporary Side Job
Say you commit to $500 a month in 6 months. There are two ways you can get that additional 500 bucks each month: cut back or bring in more income.
Cutting back would mean sacrificing something you love like a premium cable package, reducing or completely eliminating Friday night cocktail hour with your co-workers, or other types of frivolous spending. But let’s say you’re not willing to give up these things for LASIK. In that case, you can take on a little extra work: perhaps babysitting for a family that lives in your building, taking on a weekend shift at a restaurant, or selling things you no longer use.
Look Into Financing Options
It is a toss-up whether LASIK surgery will be covered by your health insurance. In many cases, it isn’t since it may be considered an elective procedure. That doesn’t mean you should give up hope. If you are eager to get LASIK as soon as possible and do not want to wait until you’ve saved up the entire cost in cash, discuss financing options with your ophthalmologist. They may be able to offer a monthly payment plan as a financing option.
Like most personal finance goals, saving up for LASIK requires determination and discipline. If you have extras in your life that you can live without and LASIK is something that you know will improve your quality of life, consider giving them up, just for a while, to get the life changing procedure you desire. Stop by our Denver or Centennial locations today to book a consultation with one of our LASIK specialists.